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Technecast is a PGR-run academic podcasting community that celebrates and showcases current research being done in the arts and humanities. We’re currently looking for new contributions around the theme of re-enchantment for two special episodes as part of the techne congress at Kingston University in January 2022.

Framed by our concerns for a continuing global pandemic, inequalities, and climate crisis, we invite you to join us in an exploration of the potential of dreaming and the imagination as a stimulus for real world change. In doing so, we look optimistically towards the unique power of the Arts to generate real-world magic, inspiring both our disciplines and the world around us.

We warmly welcome contributions around this idea across eras, disciplines, genres, practices, and media.

We invite ideas and proposals for fifteen-minute audio contributions/papers in response to each month’s theme, and how your research resonates with it. Please send a short abstract (200 words), a bio (100 words), or any questions or early ideas to

Please send all abstracts for this theme by 5pm on Friday 14th January 2022.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Listen to Technecast by searching for us on your favourite podcast app.

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