Technecast is a graduate podcasting community that explores creative approaches to research, art, craft and practice. We’re currently looking for new contributions around the theme of Surrealism.
We warmly welcome contributions around this idea across eras, genres, practices and media. Topics may include (but needn’t be limited to):
Play, humour, subversion and comedy
Gender and Surrealism
Surrealism in a global context
Magic and Surrealism
Political thought
Chaos and anarchy
Surrealism's legacy and popular culture
Insight into a specific Surrealist's work
We invite ideas and proposals for fifteen-minute audio contributions/papers in response to each month’s theme, and how your research resonates with it. Please send a short abstract, or any thoughts, questions or ideas to
Please send all abstracts for this theme by 5pm, Friday 11th February 2022
We look forward to hearing from you!